Kingfisher Farm (kingfisherorganicfarm.com)
Polish hard neck, Italian purple, Chesnok Red garlic
So Sweet Candy Shoppe (sosweetcandyshoppe.com)
Fudge, candy, baked goods
Holdredge Enterprises (holdredgeenterprises.com)
Garlic, Hooke n’ Crooke garden tool
Cooper’s Daughter Spirits (coopersdaughter.com)
Distilled black walnut bourbon, liqueurs, seasonal vodkas
Hugick Farms of HPLLC (www.hugickfarms.com)
Black Garlic, German Red, Music, White German, Georgian Crystal, Romanian Red
Hugick Farms of HPLLC (www.hugickfarms.com)
Black Garlic, German Red, Music, White German, Georgian Crystal, Romanian Red
Crazy Mike’s Beef Jerky (www.crazymikesjerky.com)
Beef Jerky including Garlicky Garlic
Renaissance Pesto (worldlingspleasure.com)
Fresh made local pesto all made with garlic!
Kingsley Street • Soap, Bath and body products, soy candles
Naga Bakehouse (nagahouse.com)
Wood-fired artisan breads (savory and sweet)
Exeter Park (exeterparkproduceandgarlic.com)
Garlic, produce, bison, beef, turkey, baked goods, flowers, herbs.
Clean Slate Farm (cleanslatefarm.com)
Garlic Balsamic Vinegar, Specialty oils, spice blends, skin care products.
G&M Farms (gandmfarms.com)
Salsa, jams, hot sauce, pickled products
Shepherd’s Hollow Farm
German red, Music and soft nec garlic braids. Handthrown functional pottery.
Weathertop Farm (weathertopfarmny.com)
Award-winning shrub and switchel drink mixers. Jams, bitters and teas. Fire cider vingegars.
Gusto della Vita Olive Oil (www.gustodellavita.com)
Extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar and handcrafted olive wood items.
Sleepy Bear Apiary
Treatment Free Raw Honey, maple syrup, handcrafted soaps, Honey Bee observation Hive
Sleepy Bear Apiary
Treatment Free Raw Honey, maple syrup, handcrafted soaps, Honey Bee observation Hive
Ransom Hill Garlic (www.ransomhillgarlic.com)
German Porcelian, German Red, Garlic Powder and Garlic Braids
Jones Family Farm, LLC (anotherjonesfamilyfarm.com)
Cheese, gelato, roasted garlic gelato
Free Flow Farm (Free Flow Farm on Facebook)
Garlic, flowers, veggies, birdhouse and wood carvings
B’s Cheese
Cheese curds, cheese spreads and cheddars
Erie Canal Distillers (eriecanaldistillers.com)
Six-times distilled unaged corn whiskey including hibiscus lemonade, jalapeño smash and margarita.
Slate Creek Farm (slatecreekfarmny.com)
Garlic bratwurst, sausage, sunflowers.
Northeast Corner Herb Farm (northeastcornerherbs.com)
Dip mixes, herb and garlic braids, and Garlicious Grind Seasonings
Caltabiano Farms
Soft neck and stiff neck garlic and many types of produce
27. Jake’s Gouda Cheese (jakesgoudacheese.com)
Cows milk gouda cheeses, sharp cheddar and baked goods
Milburt Farm and Greenhouse (milburtfarm.com)
Mums, bedding plants, herb plants
Conbeer’s Farm (conbeersfarm.com)
German white, Music, turkish red, German Red, Italian purple, Vietnamese purple, Chesnok Red, Pickles, jams and much more
The Ardent Homesteader (ardenthomesteader.com)
Small batch, handcrafted salted carmel sauce, carmel baked goods
Gaia’s Breath Farm (www.gaiasbreathfarm.com)
16 varieties of garlic, herbs, roasted garlic, artisan sausages
Guardi’s Garlic
Garlic, herbs and produce, garlic braids and wreaths
Country Pride Cheese Inc (countrypridecheese.com)
Packaged cheese spreads
Old Saratoga Spice Rubs (oldsaratogaspicerub.com)
Handcrafter smoked kosher salt and herb blends.
Saratoga Crackers (saratogacrackers.com)
Locally made small batch crackers featuring local ingredients. Vegan offerings
MarJean Garlic
Certified organic seed stock or table ready garlic.
JD Gourmet
Balsamic vinegars and olive oil blends. truffle products
The Mustard Seed (themustardseedshop.com)
Dip mixes, ready made dips, jams, herbal body products
The Mustard Seed (themustardseedshop.com)
Dip mixes, ready made dips, jams, herbal body products
Little Falls Rotary Club
Information Booth/Rotary Football ticket sales
Garlic Delite Farms (garlic-delite-farm.square.site)
German Red, GSF65Asian Tempest, Purple Glazer, Bavarian, Kitab, Elephant, Carpathian, Noona Rose, Salt, Powder, Black garlic products.
Garlic Delite Farms (garlic-delite-farm.square.site)
German Red, GSF65Asian Tempest, Purple Glazer, Bavarian, Kitab, Elephant, Carpathian, Noona Rose, Salt, Powder, Black garlic products.
The Pickle Man
Fresh, homemade pickles
Rockerbox Garlic (rockerboxgarlic.com)
Handcrafted garlic and onion powders, spice blends, pickled garlic
Beaver Creek Meadow